Our Ministries

Be Sure to Check Our Events Calendar for Meeting Dates!!

Praise Team

The CrossPoint Praise Team is a community of musicians and worship leaders who love the Lord, and love to use their musical skills to enrich the congregation's worship.  We meet weekly from 7:15-9 PM on Thursdays to prepare to lead worship every Sunday.

Sunday School 
From September through June, we offer Sunday School classes for children aged 3 through Grade 5 during at both our morning service.. In July and August we run our Sunday School classes for children aged 3-Grade 2. Our activities include times for singing, sharing, prayer, stories, and crafts.

Nursery Care
We have Nursery Care available on Sunday mornings for children between the ages of 0-2.  

GEMS (Girls Club) - Girls grades 2-5. Thursday evenings at 7 pm (September - April)  24-25 registration form
GEMS Official Website Click Here

BOYS Club - Boys grades 3-5. Thursday evenings at 7 pm (September - April)  24-25 registration form

Jr. Teen Club
Jr. Teen Club is for teens in grades 6-8. They meet Wednesday 7-8:30 pm at the church most weeks. Each month consists of two lesson evenings where they learn more about the Christian faith and lifestyle, one service night they learn to care for others and one activity night for fellowship with the group. (September - May)  24-25 registration form

Teen Club 
Teen Club is for grades 9 to 12. They meet Wednesday evenings 7-8.30 pm at the church most weeks. Various other activities are announced in the weekly bulletin. Opportunities for a week long SERVE project are available through Youth Unlimited, a youth organization committed to training teens in leadership and discipleship.  24-25 registration form

God Matters 
A catechism class for our teens in Grade 8-12. A time of talking about what matters most (or... rather... WHO matters most). We meet on the first and third Sunday's of the month at 11:00am from September - April.

Enjoy this free resource, which is available immediately following our Sunday morning church services.

Friendship Ministries 
A ministry to show God's love with people who have intellectual disabilities.  Meets last Tuesday of the month from 7:30 - 8:30pm.  (September - May) 

W.O.W. (Women of the Word)   
Monday Nights 6.30-8.00 pm  (September - May)
A women's group that meets every Monday night for Bible Study and Fellowship.  All women are welcome.  Contact the church office if you would like more details.

Men's Life 
Biweekly on a Saturday at 9:00am  (September - May)
A group that meets biweekly for practical studies on topics relevant to men in today's society.
Men of all ages are welcome!  Check with the office to see when the next meeting date is.


NEW in 2025

Office Hours:  Mon. Closed, Tue. - Fri. 9.00 - 12.00